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Think You Have a Troubled Youth?

Is Your Troubled Youth exhibiting any of these behaviors?

Depression, rebellion, defiance, entitlement, truancy, abuse of drugs or alcohol, impulsiveness, reclusiveness, reclusive, anger, dishonesty, manipulation, criminal thinking, low self-esteem, an eating disorder, severe anxiety, or emotional issues.

All of the above issues are symptoms shared in some part by all troubled youth. The severity of the symptoms in your own troubled youth should be an indication of how quickly help is needed.

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Concerned Your Troubled Youth is going through a Phase?

While most teenagers striving for independence may give their parents occasional headaches and surprises, it is important to watch for patterns of poor behavior. If a troubled youth develops a pattern of anything from defiance to failure in school, action should be taken to help correct whatever it is in your teens life that is creating this pattern. Generally speaking, the earlier action is taken, the quicker and more effective treatment can be.

What to do if You Think You have a Troubled Youth?

The number one rule is don�t panic. Having a troubled youth does not make you a failure. Treat this as an opportunity for you to grow and become a better parent. Thousands of parents just like you have helped troubled youth overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles to mature and become successful adults � while growing and becoming better themselves through the process.

Number two, educate yourself. You need to educate your self on several levels. Learn about the different treatment options to help your situation. Get yourself a good counselor and read as many books as possible about parenting troubled youth. Our bookstore has a good selection if you need recommendations. Having a counselor with provide you a safe avenue to vent frustrations that you are experiencing, and provide you with a sounding board for suggestions in parenting a troubled youth.

What can I do to Help my Troubled Youth?

You will no doubt learn about the many different things you can do as a parent to make sure you are a help and not a hindrance to your situation through reading and attending counseling sessions. One thing most troubled youth have in common is the need for a safe consistent environment. To make sure this has been established in your home, think about the rules that you have in your home and how they are enforced. Your teen needs a set of clearly defined rules. Your teen also needs you to follow through with consequences every time those rules are broken. The strictness of the rules is of secondary importance to the consistency with which they are enforced. Your consistency in enforcing rules will help create a safe environment for your teen. When enforcing your rules, it is not necessary to become angry for your teen to learn a lesson. Most teens learn best when rules are enforced with a certain amount of matter-of-factness. Similar to the event of an adult receiving a parking ticket � no discussion or lecturing is required, you simply pay the ticket and learn not to repeat your mistake.

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