March, 31 2025

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Troubled Teen Arrest Statistics for

Arrest stats of troubled teens in under age 18
Category of Arrests Number Rank
State Population: 50
Total Arrests: 50
Total Arrests as % of State Population: % 50
Violent Crime: 50
Property Crime: 50
Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter: 50
Forcible rape: 50
Robbery: 50
Aggravated assault: 50
Burglary: 1
Larceny-theft: 50
Motor vehicle theft: 50
Arson: 50
Other assaults: 50
Forgery and counterfeiting: 50
Fraud: 50
Embezzlement: 50
Stolen property; buying, receiving, possessing: 50
Vandalism: 50
Weapons; carrying, possessing, etc.: 50
Prostitution and commercialized vice: 50
Sex offenses (except forcible rape and prostitution): 50
Drug abuse violations: 50
Gambling: 50
Offenses against the family and children: 50
Driving under the influence: 50
Liquor laws: 50
Drunkenness: 50
Disorderly conduct: 50
Vagrancy: 50
All other offenses (except traffic): 50
Suspicion: 50
Curfew and loitering law violations: 50
Runaways: 50

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